Stella Velon & Jean Gabriel Kauss presenting ‘The Critic’ at the Ahrya Fine Arts Theatre in Beverly Hills
Photo: Eddie Ruvalcaba

Winners of the 2019 Method Fest
From left to right: John J. Jacobs, Michael & Edward J. Olmos, Stella Velon, Jean Gabriel Kauss & Milan Chakraborty

Actress/Writer/Director Stella Velon at the 13th Method Fest Film Festival
Winner: Best Short Film

Actor Alan Smyth presenting ‘The Critic’ at the 13th Method Fest Film Festival in Beverly Hills

Stella Velon and Jean Gabriel Kauss accepting the award for Best Short Film at an Awards Ceremony for the 2019 Method Fest held at Ahrya Fine Arts.

Cast & Crew of ‘The Critic’ at the 2019 Method Fest in Beverly Hills, CA
From left to right: Todd Karner, Alan Smyth, Stella Velon, Jean Gabriel Kauss & Asaf Sagiv
Photo: Eddie Ruvalcaba
2019 London Independent Film Festival

Producer/Executive Producer Jean Gabriel Kauss at the 2019 Method Fest
Photo: Eddie Ruvalcaba

Producer/Executive Producer Jean Gabriel Kauss attending the 2018 Boston Film Festival

2019 Queen Palm International Film Festival
Palm Springs, CA

Alan Smyth at the 2019 Method Fest
Photo: Eddie Ruvalcaba

Asaf Sagiv at the 2019 Method Fest
Photo: Eddie Ruvalcaba

Todd Karner at the 2019 Method Fest
Photo: Eddie Ruvalcaba

Stella Velon presenting The Critic at the 2019 Women’s International Film Festival at AMC Times Square (New York)
Grand Jury Prize and Best Short First-Time Filmmaker
Queen Palm International Film Festival, Palms Springs CA